Friday, April 25, 2008


So, I started this blog up forever ago, and never ended up making use of it (or the email that I started with it...:P). I'm in the process of trying to beef up my portfolio, and I figured what better way to get some constructive criticism and some drive to draw more than use that ol' blog?'

It's time this thing stopped collecting dust and cob webs, and get some good lovin'!

AND, since this is my space, I can do a bit of blogging as well, so I'll start with the basics:

I'm Kevin. Around the interwebs, I usually go by Kellis. I live in Seattle, WA (for about 3 months now), and I absolutely love it. I studied Illustration at Brigham Young University - Idaho for just about 2 years, and then transferred to BYU in Utah (which was a big mistake) to study Animation. I decided to leave Utah because I didn't agree with paying a college to babysit me and I wanted to grow a beard (which they wouldn't let me do either...silly Mormon schools).

If you need any more information than that, then you're probably being nosy...or you should email me. :)


DREW said...

Cool you have a blog now! I'll be checking back. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

TJ said...

Funny how a place named after Brigham won't let you grow a beard :D>

That was an attempt at a beard emodicon...